Developed By
Dr. William Winogron
Ph.D., C. Psych.

STRENGTH is for the prevention -- not treatment -- of distress, burnout, post-traumatic stress reactions, loss of interest, anger, depression, and other emotional and behavioural problems. The broader goal is a more resilient workplace with reduced instances of stress leave, conflicts, grievances, presenteeism, and turnover.

It is suitable for all Trauma-Exposed Professionals, including, but not limited to, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, First Responders, and healthcare workers at all levels of seniority, rank, and responsibility.

Course curriculum

    1. How to successfully complete this course:

    2. Intellectual Property

    3. Course Walkthrough

    1. Course Curriculum

    1. Instructor for this course: Dr. William Winogron

    1. Class Workbook

    2. Downloadable Class Workbook

    1. Video Lesson

    1. Video Lesson

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


Dr. William Winogron

Course Designer

William Winogron has had a long and distinguished career in psychology. Following his doctoral degree and a postdoctoral fellowship, he trained at the renowned Albert Ellis Institute in New York City over several years, receiving mentorship from Dr. Ellis himself. He attained Associate Fellowship status and is an Approved Supervisor of the Institute. He is also co-director of a training centre in Canada, The Center for Rational and Cognitive Therapies.

At the peak of Dr. Winogron’s program development career sits STRENGTH (Staff Resiliency and Growth Program). Fulfilling his lifelong desire to “democratize” psychology, making it universally available to all, he has spent four years leading a team in the development of the STRENGTH Workplace Resiliency Program. This program, better than any other that he has created, puts the best of preventive, evidence-based psychology into the hands of non-psychologists.