For Groups

Developed By
Dr. William Winogron
Ph.D., C. Psych.

STRENGTH WARRIOR helps workers in virtually any workplace to prevent stress and burnout. It blends minimally disruptive “rapid” training with a peer support model to give learners new skills and to create a new organizational environment of resilience.

When times get tough, resilient people keep going. Developing resilience throughout your entire workforce is the best way to combat stress & mental-health issues within your staff.

STRENGTH WARRIOR is a program with training+. It can teach every staff member how to build personal resiliency (and banish the roadblocks along the way), plus it embeds an ongoing peer-supported culture of resiliency.

From small companies to large corporations, STRENGTH WARRIOR helps your staff face stresses and challenges effectively, and keep that momentum up, long after the training is completed. It’s a quick intervention, with lasting results.

STRENGTH WARRIOR gives you a complete package covering distress prevention, resiliency training with built-in ongoing support plus important lifestyle coaching and a “ready when needed” crisis debriefing.

Course curriculum

    1. How to successfully complete this course:

    2. Intellectual Property

    3. Course Walkthrough

    1. Instructor for this course: Dr. William Winogron

    1. Class Workbook

    2. Downloadable Class Workbook

    1. Video Lesson

    1. Video Lesson

    1. Video Lesson

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Dr. William Winogron

Course Designer

William Winogron has had a long and distinguished career in psychology. Following his doctoral degree and a postdoctoral fellowship, he trained at the renowned Albert Ellis Institute in New York City over several years, receiving mentorship from Dr. Ellis himself. He attained Associate Fellowship status and is an Approved Supervisor of the Institute. He is also co-director of a training centre in Canada, The Center for Rational and Cognitive Therapies.

At the peak of Dr. Winogron’s program development career sits STRENGTH (Staff Resiliency and Growth Program). Fulfilling his lifelong desire to “democratize” psychology, making it universally available to all, he has spent four years leading a team in the development of the STRENGTH Workplace Resiliency Program. This program, better than any other that he has created, puts the best of preventive, evidence-based psychology into the hands of non-psychologists.